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EMINENT (EMN) Token ICO Review | Fuel For The BeepBeep Nation App

Beep Beep Nation is formed as a platform where people can offer different kinds of services, whether it is a car pool or pick up and drop, real estate services, packing and moving services, emergency assistance and so forth. The platform, based on a distributed ledger system, will enable individuals to enlist for different services and get paid or simply contribute to those in need in different ways.

What Is Eminent Token ?

The EMINENT token fuels the BeepBeep Nation mobile app for both iOS and Android. BeepBeep Nation is an all-in-one solution for users to solve their daily problems very quickly, by enabling them to help each other out when help is urgently required. It does this by facilitating the connection between a person needing help (“requestor”) and the person providing the help (“helper”). From getting the latest, freshest information from real people in specific locations, to getting rides or places to stay in from people in specific locations who don’t mind helping out their fellow users, to getting quick help in cases of distress including people with a medical emergency or those who are missing a family member or pet at that moment and needing help to find them quickly, and more – BeepBeep Nation makes the requesting and provision of any type of help the most efficient and effective they can be.

Why You Join Eminent.BeepBeepnation Project

Both requestors and helpers are able to increase their Beep Rank and receive verified status, giving them the ability to perform secure transactions with their accounts by staking EMN tokens in their accounts. By staking their tokens, requestors can get preferential services.
Transactions can be settled in the form of EMN tokens and are done between the parties themselves. This is a form of escrow and secured payment method. In the event there is a dispute between a requestor and helper, this amount can be clawed back and returned to the requestor if it is determined the helper is at fault.
BeepBeep Nation will encourage payment in EMN tokens for all services, in a B2C or B2B environment at a 10% – 50% discount, valued at a market value on major exchanges that EMN tokens will be listed on.

Features of Beep Beep Nation

The platform offers the following features such as:
  • The platform facilitates transactions for different services and signing up for providing services through the Eminent or EMN token.
  • The services of the platform are accessible through the Beep Beep Nation app. This platform’s apps are available at the different app stores that make it possible for service providers to register on the go as well as find demand for their services quickly as per their location.
  • The help categories include getting a ride, a place to stay, moving or delivering items, medical emergency assistance, vehicle breakdown assistance, tour guide and others like providing updated information.
  • The platform would become a source for getting local and relevant information from people who are in a position to offer such information or assistance; instances are on the spot reviews of restaurants, suggestions for likely places or activities for families in a particular area, recommendations for a baby sitter or a plumber, information for a family member or pet who is missing and so forth.
  • The platform works with a person beeping for a certain service or assistance such a ride to a certain location; the signal can be picked up and someone can offer you a ride who is going to the same place; the same works for people who are traveling and wish to find affordable places to stay at local addresses where spare rooms or accommodation is available.
  • Those who use the services can pay gratitude tip for the help they get; it is done through the EMN token of the platform.

Reward Engines

Referral programme
First-time users will immediately get free credits to use the BeepBeep Nation app to send
out their requests for help. They will also be rewarded with free credits to use when they
refer a user to sign up for the BeepBeep app. Free credits will also be given to the newlyreferred
user as a form of reward to help new users get started on using BeepBeep. This
means that all initial usage of BeepBeep is literally free, which encourages users to try
BeepBeep out. All responses by helpers are also free at all times, which encourages
potential helpers to respond to requestors.
Conflict Resolution
Users will be randomly selected to judge disputes between requestors and helpers, in exchange for rewards. Only users with high ratings and verified status will be chosen for this task. A group of users, up to 5, depending on the nature of the help, will be selected each time a dispute is raised, and the decision in resolving the dispute will be made on an average of the decision of the jury, based on the ratings they have. The higher the ratings, the more weight they have in terms of the outcome. 20% of the transaction size will go to the reward of the jury, and this reward will be deducted off the stake of the party at fault in the transaction in question. Audit checks will be performed by an algorithm and would raise a red flag for suspicious activities, and if necessary, manual intervention will be done by BeepBeep Nation.  Random jury members will be penalised should there be a too big of discrepancy in terms of judgement, where they will risk losing an equal amount of their allotted rewards.
Rewarding Power Users
The top tier 5% of verified users, based on the numbers of requests sent out, and the number of requests they respond to, will be rewarded with EMN tokens on a periodic basis, based on the numbers of requests sent out, and the number of requests they respond to. The reward is calculated at 10% of all the requests in the period, given in equivalent value of requests. The reward will then be split among 5% of the users equally for them to spend on the platform as reward of their good behavior on the platform, as well as their continued use of BeepBeep Nation app.


  • Q3 2018
    Launch of the BeepBeep Nation app beta.
    Optimize Ul / UX based on user feedback.
    Launch of the BeepBeep Nation app on the US Appstore / Google PlayStore.
  • Q4 2018
    Development of tokens and wallets.
    Integration of token and wallet with BeepBeep Nation app.
    Development of a fiat-token exchange engine to calculate payments in tokens for users to pay using the BeepBeep Nation application function.
  • Q1 2019
    Enable token payment between users.
    Enables user token payments to use BeepBeep Nation app functionality.
  • Q2 2019
    Development of token staking system to use certain categories with BeepBeep Nation application.
    Development of additional categories / functions in the BeepBeep Nation app.
  • Q3 2019
    Development of token staking system to report disputes.
    Development of additional categories / functions in the BeepBeep Nation app.
    Dashboard development of BeepBeep Nation Level 2 users.
  • Q4 2019
    System development to reward the best performing user.
    Dashboard development of BeepBeep Nation Level 2 users.
    Development of additional categories / functions in the BeepBeep Nation app.
  • Q1 2020
    Level 2 user development pays with a token system.
    Launch Dashboard user BeepBeep Nation Level 2.
    Development of additional categories / functions in the BeepBeep Nation app.

Token Sale Details

  • Token Name: EMINENT Token (EMN)
  • Token Type: ERC20
  • Total Supply: 156,250,000 EMN Tokens (inclusive of bonus tokens)
  • Tokens for Sale: 112,228,260 EMN Tokens
  • Hard Cap: USD31,250,000.00
  • Currency Accepted: ETH and USD
  • Pre-sale: 27th June 2018
  • Pre-sale Bonus: 5%
  • Sale: 4th July 2018
  • Sale Price: USD0.25 per EMN
To incentivise the team, BeepBeep will be keeping 20% of all EMN Tokens sold, or a maximum of 31,250,000.00 EMN Tokens, whichever is lower, generated at the end of the Token Generation Event (TGE). The total supply will be capped at 156,250,000 EMN Tokens, of which 80% or a maximum of
125,000,000 EMN Tokens will be in circulation. Token purchases in fiat will be taken in at the Ethereum rate as of at 1800 HRS (GMT+8), it will be updated and reflected daily on BeepBeep Nation’s website. For example, if a contributor contributes at 1801 Hrs on X day (eg. July 1st), the rate will be taken as of 1801 Hrs on X+1 day (July 2nd).

Team in Beep Beep Nation

The core team of the platform comprises of Sen Ze as CEO of the platform who holds a law degree and has worked for different companies in the entrepreneurial role, even started online ventures from the early part of the millennium.
Samuel Sham is cofounder and CFO of the platform who holds a double degree in management and accounting; he has worked as a certified financial planner, liquidator and auditor for different financial firms.
Jelson Low has a graduate degree in computer science and has worked in the sphere like design, development and analyses of computer systems and is CTO of Beep Beep Nation.
For more Information,Please see the Link Bellow :
My Bitcointalk Name: nazrulislam


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