The World-First SmartPhone-Only Mining Blockchain Technology + Distributed Computing Technology Low-Power Mining Platform for High-Scalability MIB stands for Mobile Integrated Blockchain. Our Blockchain Network relies on SmartPhone device that is that the most generally used device with unlimited practicality because it is named the Mobile-PC. Anyone will transfer MIB APP on their SmartPhone to begin Mining and exchange their deep-mined MIB Coin. The Mobile SmartX Blockchain Platform (MSXBP) permits varied payments and transactions on Mobile surroundings. MIB Mining now not needs central processor, GPU, or ASIC and the other expensive mining instrumentation. MIB Distributed Mobile Blockchain System provides High-Efficiency Blockchain Network on low-priced. Existing Cryptocurrencies are highlighted socially and economically whereas their excessive energy consumption has been growing into a social drawback. None of different Cryptocurrencies have brought an answer to the matter desp...